The Truth Behind Anti-Aging Supplements, Vitamins, and Pills
Discover the truth about anti-aging supplements, vitamins, and pills on our website. Learn about the science behind these products and make informed decisions for your health and wellness.

Published May 30, 2024.

Aging is an inevitable process. It refers to the decline in function due to accumulated cellular damage that can progressively worsen health over time. So anytime you see the word anti-aging, it’s a bit of an overstatement. No food, supplement, pill, or powder can currently prevent aging altogether.
And while you can’t stop aging, you can take steps to delay the aging process and improve some biomarkers related to aging (like cholesterol, glucose, and inflammation). Eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, reducing stress, and participating in both strength and cardiovascular exercise can all promote healthy aging and increase longevity. But if you’ve already built a solid foundation in those areas of life, you may still wonder if there’s more you can do to ensure your longevity—perhaps you’ve wondered if a supplement or even a medication that may provide the missing piece.
Here, we’ll review the evidence behind eight supplements and two medications that have been associated with “anti-aging” claims, evaluate where the scientific evidence currently stands on their use, and give insight as to when InsideTracker may recommend that product to improve a specific age-related blood biomarker.
*Consult a healthcare professional before taking any nutritional supplements, even if they’re recommended by InsideTracker.
1. Quercetin
The flavonoid quercetin—one of the most abundant polyphenols found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine, and black tea—may support healthy aging through its potential anti-inflammatory effects. [1] Interest in quercetin stems from its possible influence on cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Studies show that quercetin may affect blood pressure and plasma lipid levels, but the evidence is mixed. Similarly, research on the optimal quercetin supplement dose and duration is ongoing. [2-5]
Key takeaway: Research on quercetin does not currently meet the scientific standards for InsideTracker to include this supplement as a recommendation. Instead, incorporate quercetin-rich foods, such as onions, broccoli, apples, and blueberries in your diet.
2. NAD+, NR, NMN
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a molecule involved in many processes in the body, from energy production to DNA repair. As you age, NAD+ levels decline. And low NAD+ levels are correlated with many age-related diseases. [6] The supplement form of NAD+ is not well absorbed by the body, so its precursors, nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and nicotinamide riboside (NR), are used to develop supplements that increase NAD+ levels to delay aging. [7]
Human studies with NMN is still in its infancy. Clinical trials show that NR supplementation increases NAD+ levels, but whether these higher levels of NAD+ translate to improved health metrics still needs to be determined. A clinical trial in people with heart failure showed promising results: supplementing with two grams of NR per day for 12 weeks not only increased NAD+ levels but also correlated with improvements in mitochondrial function and decreased expression of proinflammatory molecules. [6,8,9]
In addition, researchers of a 2021 study found that postmenopausal women with prediabetes had improved muscle insulin sensitivity and signaling after 10 weeks of supplementing with 250 milligrams a day of NMN. [10] However, more research is needed to draw conclusions on NMN’s effect on insulin.
NMN was reclassified as a drug by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) in 2022, precluding it from being marketed as a dietary supplement. However, it’s unclear whether that ruling will alter the commercial availability of NMN products.
Key takeaway: Research on these compounds in relation to measurable health outcomes in humans is still extremely limited, therefore, InsideTracker does not have a recommendation for them.
3. Curcumin
Curcumin is a potent polyphenol found in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Elevated levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) for prolonged periods is an indicator of chronic inflammation. And chronic inflammation is linked with metabolic diseases (such as type 2 diabetes) and cardiovascular disease. [11]
Supplementing with curcumin in doses up to one gram per day has been shown to lower oxidative stress and reduce inflammatory molecules, particularly hsCRP, in people with higher levels of inflammation like those with metabolic syndrome, obesity, and/or diabetes. [11,12]
Key takeaway: There’s sufficient evidence supporting the use of curcumin supplements to help lower already elevated markers of inflammation. However, supplementation may not provide the same benefits for those without high levels of inflammation. Depending on where their hsCRP levels are at, InsideTracker customers may or may not see a curcumin supplement recommendation.
4. Resveratrol
The polyphenol resveratrol has garnered attention for its potential effect on aging. Resveratrol food sources include red wine, grapes, cocoa, peanuts, and blueberries. As of now, no studies have examined the effect of resveratrol on lifespan in humans. But research has evaluated the influence of resveratrol on metabolic syndrome, a group of conditions that includes hypertension, obesity, high triglyceride levels, and impaired fasting glucose.
Regularly supplementing 1000 milligrams per day of resveratrol can help lower blood glucose levels and hemoglobin A1c. [13] Study results are mixed as to whether resveratrol affects plasma lipid levels or HbA1c. [14-18]
Key takeaway: Resveratrol supplements may promote healthy aging by helping to lower elevated blood glucose levels, and some InsideTracker customers may see this recommendation on their Action Plan.
5. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a micronutrient found in leafy green vegetables and fermented foods (such as tofu and miso) that plays a key role in bone formation. Supplementing with vitamin K2 may support bone health and reduce age-related bone loss. It may even prevent and treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. [18,19]
Vitamin K may also benefit other age-related diseases. Research is ongoing, but vitamin K status may be associated with multiple comorbidities, cardiovascular disease, functional decline, and frailty in older adults. [20]
Key takeaway: Consistent low-dose supplementation of vitamin K plus vitamin K intake from food may help preserve bone health, and may be recommended as part of InsideTracker’s Healthy aging goal. Vitamin K supplementation is not recommended for people on blood thinner medications, such as Warfarin and Coumadin.
6. Fisetin
The flavonoid fisetin is found naturally in strawberries, grapes, apples, persimmons, cucumbers, and onions. Fisetin is a supplement that has garnered attention recently due to its presumed anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Emerging cell and animal studies indicate that fisetin may decrease the production of inflammatory compounds in the body, protect cells from oxidative stress, and may prevent the accumulation of damaged cells. And fisetin appears to extend lifespan in mice. But it is too soon to know if the benefits of fisetin extend to humans. [21,22]
Key takeaway: There’s not sufficient evidence that fisetin supplementation in humans is linked to longevity or health benefits. It is currently not a supplement InsideTracker recommends. Instead, consider incorporating fisetin-rich foods in your diet.
7. Green tea extract
Drinking brewed green tea is associated with a slew of health benefits. Catechins, the main polyphenol found in green tea, act as antioxidants to protect cognition. In particular, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant catechin in green tea, may help reduce nerve damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress to support healthy aging and prevent cognitive decline. [23,24]
Consuming two to three cups of brewed green tea daily is associated with more than a 28% reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults. And an even greater green tea intake (5+ cups per day) is correlated with reduced risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. [23,25]
Concentrated amounts of catechins can be found in green tea extract supplements. There’s research to indicate that green tea supplements may improve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), specifically in postmenopausal women with a borderline high body mass index (BMI). Maintaining healthy LDL levels is important for optimal aging, so green tea supplements may benefit women who meet those criteria. However, long-term supplementation of these extracts at high doses may lead to stomach upset and potential liver damage. [26-28]
Key takeaway: Green tea supplements may help some women lower their LDL levels and some InsideTracker customers may see this as a recommendation. But for people seeking longevity benefits, choose brewed green tea over green tea extracts.
8. Hesperidin
Hesperidin is a flavonoid primarily found in citrus fruits. Studies show it may affect inflammation by reducing the production of inflammatory markers—particularly C-reactive protein (CRP)—and decreasing oxidative stress. [29,30] Supplementing with hesperidin for at least three weeks may reduce circulating inflammatory markers, especially hsCRP. [31,32]
Key takeaway: InsideTracker customers who have elevated hsCRP levels may see a hesperidin recommendation in their Action Plan.
Can medications slow aging and extend your life?
Longevity research is progressively more interested in “anti-aging drugs” to promote longevity and extend lifespan. Two such medications—metformin and rapamycin—have garnered attention for their potential roles in delaying aging, although their approved use by the FDA is to treat other conditions. However, additional research in humans is needed to understand whether these drugs safely and specifically target aging-related processes.
InsideTracker does not offer recommendations for over-the-counter or prescription medications. As these are both prescription medications, a physician determines the need for them and monitors use.
Metformin—often the first line of treatment for type 2 diabetes—reduces liver glucose production and promotes insulin secretion and signaling so more blood glucose is taken up by skeletal muscle. Studies suggest metformin may play a role in improving cognition, lowering the occurrence of cardiovascular events, and reducing all-cause mortality. [33-36]
While metformin does seem to positively affect processes related to aging, more research is needed to see if metformin is safe and effective in healthy individuals
Rapamycin is an immunosuppressant prescribed to organ transplant patients to prevent rejection. But its effects may extend to aging. Rapamycin inhibits the activity of mTOR—a signaling pathway involved in regulating stress, growth, and metabolism—and may slow aging processes. And while preliminary studies indicate that one mg per day of rapamycin appears safe in healthy older adults, it is still being determined if taking rapamycin results in clinically significant effects on physical, cognitive, and serum markers related to aging. [37,38]
How do you know what supplements to take for optimal aging?
No supplements currently have anti-aging affects, but some supplements may improve common signs of aging when added as a component to other healthy lifestyle changes. The challenge is knowing what supplements are right for you.
Having a clear goal and measuring blood biomarkers can help determine which supplements to take for optimal aging. InsideTracker’s InnerAge 2.0 measures 13 biomarkers related to aging in women and 17 biomarkers related to aging in men. InsideTracker's proprietary A.I. algorithm then analyzes this biomarkers and accounts for your goals and current habits (such as sleep, stress, and heart rate) to identify what actions, including supplements, will have the most impact on your health.