InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: Which Is Better for Longevity?

Struggling to choose between InsideTracker and WellnessFX? Learn which service truly aligns with your health goals and offers the most insightful path to a longer, healthier life.

Daniesha Govender
By Daniesha Govender
Jovan Mijailovic
Edited by Jovan Mijailovic

Updated June 14, 2024.

A woman using a phone to reasearch InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX.

When it comes to longevity, understanding what's going on inside your body is crucial. InsideTracker and WellnessFX (now Thorne) offer personalized recommendations for your health and well-being. These platforms can help you track your performance, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions about your health.

But it can be challenging to determine which is better for lasting vitality. So, let's explore the key differences between InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX to help you make the best choice for your health goals.

» Discover two annual blood tests for proactive health management

Daniesha Govender

Meet the expert

Daniesha Govender has experience in clinical-grade next-generation sequencing for early detection of genetic mutations, disorders, and cancer risks.

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX at a glance

CredibilityScientific advisory board, extensive peer-reviewed researchA history of providing health optimization recommendations, affiliations with research organizations
TestUp to 48 blood and dozens of genetic biomarkersUp to 89 blood biomarkers
PricingFrom $149/subscriptionFrom $95/test
AppiOS, Android, and webiOS and web
InsideTracker, your personal health analytics dashboard

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48 blood and dozens of genetic biomarkers


From $149/subscription


FSA/HSA (partial)


HIPAA and SOC-2 protection

InsideTracker is a personalized health and wellness platform that aims to help people optimize their biomarkers to live healthier and longer lives. It analyzes genetics, behaviors, and goals to give you personalized nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, and supplementation recommendations.

InsideTracker offers DNA testing for dozens of genetic fitness, nutrition, and longevity genetic markers. Since genetics influence many aspects of your health, the app can provide helpful context and an action plan. It also integrates with wearable devices to collect real-time health data, tracking factors like sleep, activity, and heart rate.

Science-backed recommendations

Comprehensive blood biomarker testing

DNA testing

Integration with wearables

Encourages retesting every 3 to 6 months

User-friendly interface

Personalized optimal zones

Customizable Action Plan

Not a replacement for medical care

DNA testing not available outside of the U.S.

A person holding a cell phone.


89 blood biomarkers


From $95/test




Not disclosed

WellnessFX (now Thorne) shares a similar goal to InsideTracker: promote healthspan and longevity through data-driven insights.

Once you have collected your sample, mail it to a Thorne-approved laboratory for analysis. Thorne's test results come with a detailed interpretation in 7–10 days. They can help you understand what your results mean and what steps you can take to improve your health.

The biological age panel from Wellness FX uses a proprietary algorithm that analyzes data from hundreds of thousands of biomarkers. This algorithm calculates individual scores for biological, liver, kidney, lipid, metabolic, and blood ages.

Comprehensive health assessments

DNA testing

Licensed healthcare professionals for consulting

iOS only

All tests require a visit to the lab

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: Credibility


InsideTracker has a scientific advisory board with experts like Dr. David Sinclair—a biologist known for research on aging and epigenetics. Its extensive peer-reviewed research on the effectiveness of its platform in improving blood biomarkers also supports its credibility. [1]

» Watch David Sinclair on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast


WellnessFX has a long history of providing comprehensive health assessments. It's also affiliated with research organizations like West Point Academy and Duke University.

Winner: InsideTracker and WellnessFX

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: Biomarkers


With InsideTracker's Ultimate plan, you can get up to 48 blood biomarkers, such as cholesterol and glucose. The test helps you understand your health status and serves as a foundation for the personalized recommendations you receive.

You can also go with the Ultimate + DNA + InnerAge bundle for comprehensive insights, a biological age test, and genetic scores related to your healthspan.


WellnessFX's panel analyzes up to 89 blood biomarkers, covering various aspects of health, like inflammation, metabolism, liver function, kidney function, and immune system. These results can give you a holistic picture of your well-being, including factors beyond nutrition, like hormone levels and cardiovascular health.

Winner: InsideTracker

» Learn all about blood biomarkers and how to interpret your blood test results

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: Pricing


InsideTracker caters to your health monitoring needs with various testing packages. The $149 InsideTracker Subscription combines data from blood tests, DNA, biological age, and wearable trackers for a comprehensive vitality analysis. This plan allows you to incorporate external blood results and track your wellness journey, with the option to upgrade whenever you choose.

» Find out why you need a biological age blood test

For a thorough assessment, you can opt for the Ultimate + Subscription plan at $489. This package includes detailed evaluations across 10 healthspan category scores and features additional tests for a complete wellness overview.

InsideTracker also has bundle options. By purchasing multiple plans together, you can deepen your health insights at a more affordable price. For example, buying two Ultimate + Subscriptions costs $730, saving you 12%. If you go for four, the price is $1,283, giving you a 15% discount.


a man sitting on a bench looking at his cell phone

Ultimate + Subscription $489.00

Own your health with a personalized, complete health plan. Feel better today and for years to come.

10 healthspan category scores that look at every major system in your body

Personalized, science-backed advice

Individual biomarker analysis

Customizable action plan


WellnessFX's pricing typically starts at around $95 for a basic longevity test. But overall costs depend on the type of test and extent of personalized guidance you get.

Wellness FX also offers comprehensive health panels, such as the Essential Health for $390 and the Advanced for $830 per test. Both evaluations show you if your latest diet or workout is effective, but the premium also measures 89 biomarkers critical to muscle performance and injury reduction.

Winner: InsideTracker

» Discover how biomarker tests unlock peak performance

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: App


With InsideTracker's app on iOS and Android, you can choose from 13 goals—like heart health, metabolism, and cognition.

It also neatly displays your test results through 10 healthspan categories you can use to improve your health. Plus, you get an impact score, which shows the effectiveness of each recommendation based on the number of biomarkers affected—a higher score means it's more influential.


You only get an iOS app with WellnessFX, which shows your lab results. You can also monitor and check your goals off your list whenever you reach a milestone.

Winner: InsideTracker

» Learn more about health optimization and how it differs from preventive medicine

InsideTracker vs. WellnessFX: Final verdict

Both InsideTracker and WellnessFX provide valuable tools for optimizing your health and longevity. But while they share similarities in their science-backed approach and comprehensive biomarker analysis, InsideTracker stands out with its personalized recommendations, user-friendly app, and flexible subscription options.

Whether you're an athlete looking to enhance performance, or simply someone who wants to live a healthier, longer life, InsideTracker offers a tailored roadmap to help you reach your unique goals.

Disclaimer: InsideTracker doesn't diagnose or treat medical conditions. For any health concerns, consult a qualified healthcare professional.

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  1. K. Westerman et al., “Longitudinal analysis of biomarker data from a personalized nutrition platform in healthy subjects,” Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33008-7. Available: