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Everything You Need to Know About Dangerous White Blood Cell Count and How to Decrease WBC Naturally

Find out when you should be worried about a dangerous white blood cell count, along with ways you can decrease it with the right food.

Perrin Braun
By Perrin Braun
Jovan Mijailovic
Edited by Jovan Mijailovic

Updated July 10, 2024.

A group of red and white blood cells on a blue background

White blood cells (WBCs)—or leukocytes—are essential for your immune system. When a virus or bacteria enters your blood, it recognizes and destroys the invading particle before it can cause disease. [1]

There are several types, each with its function. Some directly kill the foreign invaders, while others attack the cells infected by them. Other kinds can even play a role in allergic reactions.

Below, we'll explore the reasons behind your high WBC count, when you should be worried, and how you can work on reducing your levels naturally.

» Check if your white blood cell count is dangerous with a blood test

What happens if white blood cells are high?

Since white blood cells fight off infection, people tend to think that elevated levels are actually beneficial—but this is not necessarily the case.

A high WBC count, also known as leukocytosis, indicates an underlying problem. This could be infection, stress, inflammation, trauma, allergy, or an autoimmune condition. That’s why you should always consult a doctor for further investigation.

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While a dangerous white blood cell count can be a sign of an underlying issue, the types of white blood cells related to it have different implications. For example:

  • Neutrophils: Neutrophils make up about 70% of white blood cells. They increase in response to bacterial infections and physical or emotional stress.
  • Lymphocyte: These cells may rise with a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Monocytes: High levels of this WBC can indicate chronic inflammation.
  • Eosinophils and basophils: Elevated basophils and eosinophils are the result of allergies and parasitic infections.

What is a dangerous white blood cell count?

The specific number for high white blood cell count varies from one lab testing facility to another. Still, a general rule of thumb is that a count of more than 10,500 leukocytes in a microliter of blood in adults is generally considered to be dangerously high. On the other hand, 4,500-10,500 is considered within the normal range. [2]

» The danger goes the other way around. Find out what low white blood cell levels mean

The only way to know where you stand is to get your blood tested. The new and improved Ultimate+Subscription panel calculates your average white blood cell count—along with over 40 other biomarkers—and offers science-backed recommendations for reducing it through food or exercise.

According to our longitudinal study, dangerous WBC counts are linked to a higher risk of heart disease. [3] Luckily, the research also proved the effectiveness of our suggestions for moving people with initially abnormal levels towards a healthier range.

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Symptoms of dangerous white blood cell count

People with a dangerous blood cell count, or leukocytosis, typically don’t have any specific symptoms. But, they may have a medical condition responsible for the elevated levels.

Since a high white blood cell count can be a symptom of another underlying problem, you might experience symptoms that are associated with that condition. But, people with leukocytosis may also have a combination of them, such as:

  • Fever
  • Fainting
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Weight loss
  • General pain

» Find out what a complete blood count test is and why you need it

What are the causes of high white blood cell count?

There are a few reasons why you might have high white blood cell count:

  • Infection: As infection-causing bacteria or viruses multiply in the blood, your bone marrow produces more WBCs to fight the disease. The process leads to inflammation, which can in turn elevate WBCs.
  • Smoking or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Essentially, COPD means that you have a lung and airway disease like emphysema or chronic bronchitis that blocks airflow. [4] It also causes inflammation; the more it affects you, the higher the WBC count.
  • Leukemia: This is a type of cancer that can cause a high white blood cell count. Leukemic WBCs are often non-functional, which may increase the risk of infection in patients. [5]
  • Immune system disorders: Some auto-immune disorders like Crohn’s or Graves’ disease can cause dangerous white blood cell levels. If you have one of these conditions, consult your doctor.
  • Stress: Finally, emotional or physical tension can also cause elevated white blood cell counts. The good news is that you can reduce them through stress relief strategies.
a diagram explaining how daily habits affect white blood cell functioning

How exercise affects your white blood cell count

If you get your blood tested right after working out, you might not have to worry. It may cause a high WBC count proportionate to the duration and intensity of the exercise.

» Explore the foods you should eat before your workout

In fact, the increase might help your body to identify disease-causing organisms faster than under normal circumstances, which benefits your immune system.

Since the amount of WBCs lowers to normal after exercise, you should ideally wait one day after a heavy workout session to get your blood tested.

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How to decrease white blood cells with food

What you eat also has an effect on your white blood cell count. To keep your levels in check, avoid eating fast food that's high in fat, calories, sugar, and sodium. Choose options that are high in fiber, calcium, fish oils, mono-unsaturated fats, and vitamins C and E.

» Check out the best vitamins and supplements for respiratory infections

Non-alcoholic beer for reduced inflammation

In addition to these nutrients, you may want to try non-alcoholic beer. Believe it or not, one study showed that drinking 1 to 1.5 liters of it for 3 weeks before and 2 weeks after running a marathon helps to reduce both inflammation and white blood cell count. [5]

The InsideTracker+Subscription plan can give you recommendations for a variety of foods that satisfy your preferences and have all the nutrients you need. These may be:

  • Garlic
  • Grapes
  • Herbs and spices
  • Soy protein
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Black and green teas
  • Vinegar

Note: Aim to eat at least six servings of fruits and vegetables per day, which will benefit much more than your white blood cell levels.

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Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) that is known to improve heart health and elevate the activity of phagocytes, a kind of WBC that protects you from foreign bacteria.

Omega-3 PUFAs are found mainly in fatty fish like trout, herring, and salmon, but also in walnuts and flaxseed. Studies have shown that PUFAs significantly increased white blood cell counts in women on a controlled diet.

Here's why you should work on your diet:

Cell protection with antioxidants

Antioxidants protect our cells against free radicals. These harmful molecules damage the cells, proteins, and DNA. You've already seen their effects, as they're the culprits behind peeled apples turning brown.

Eating more phytochemicals helps protect against this type of damage. The foods that have high amounts of them are:

  • Onions
  • Leeks
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • All types of fruits
  • Any kind of tea, but especially green

» Discover the health benefits of polyphenols

Boosted WBC production with Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps the body to increase white blood cell count, which in turn helps it fight infections. All citrus fruits—including oranges, lemons, and limes—have it. You can also get it from:

  • Berries
  • Papayas
  • Pineapples
  • Guavas
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Bell peppers

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Reduce your high WBCs naturally and live healthier, longer

The implications of a dangerous white blood cell count are far-reaching. InsideTracker's blood biomarker analysis not only measures these levels but also offers valuable insights and personalized recommendations to improve your health markers.

By exploring dietary adjustments, you can take proactive steps to manage your white blood cell count. You can even request a free InsideTracker demo to get you started.

Whether you're an athlete or not, monitoring these levels can improve your performance and overall health. Don't overlook the importance of understanding and addressing dangerous white blood cell counts so you can live healthier, longer.

» Address your dangerous white blood cell count with science-backed recommendations now

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  1. “Evaluation of Patients with Leukocytosis,” PubMed, Dec. 01, 2015. Available:
  2. “WBC Count,”, Oct. 31, 2023. Available:
  3. K. Westerman et al., “Longitudinal analysis of biomarker data from a personalized nutrition platform in healthy subjects,” Scientific Reports, vol. 8, no. 1, Oct. 2018, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33008-7. Available:
  4. World Health Organization: WHO and World Health Organization: WHO, “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),” Mar. 16, 2023. Available:
  5. P. Widick and E. S. Winer, “Leukocytosis and leukemia,” Primary Care, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 575–587, Dec. 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2016.07.007. Available: